Android 18's analysis is decently put together. It has decent jokes and even has Wiz elicit a "No. Just no" reaction to one of Boomstick's more inappropriate puns (though to be honest, it did make me laugh on the inside). It gives a fairly informative rundown on ki and how 18 can use it to enhance her physical capabilities while still being fairly entertaining. It gains bonus points for even talking about 18's fighting style and tendency to wear her opponent out. Unfortunately it also loses those points when it falsely informs the viewer that 18 can absorb energy. Of course that doesn't prevent the feats section of her analysis from being entertaining especially that little detail: "Withstood love making with Krillin". The "Gravity formula" is also used to great effect and it was very interesting to see how Wiz and Boomstick powerscaled 18's strength by calculating Vegeta's durability. However, her analysis starts to lose points again when talking about her weaknesses. Yes 18 was programmed to have a remote bomb in her chest but that bomb was removed at the end of the Cell saga so bringing it up now is pointless. Also how is being cold and apathetic a weakness?
Moving on to Captain Marvel's analysis, this is also pretty decently put together. It has a few decent jokes as well with the first one being Boomstick's unimpressed reaction to Mar-Vell's name as well as Wiz telling Boomstick he has a problem in reaction to Boomstick's blackouts. It goes over Carol's arsenal fairly well and this time doesn't lose points when mentioning Carol can absorb energy. The feats section of the analysis is also informative and entertaining with Wiz mentioning Carol's speed is approximately Mach 247. The Binary section is decently covered and the same can be said for the weaknesses section (and actually giving real weaknesses this time). I give the analysis a 7.5/10.
First of all, can I just say it's good to have Zack animate another DB episode. I thought his animations were some of the best in season 2 so I was excited to find out he was animating this episode. Now I will admit that its a bit shorter than I would've liked but as with Power Rangers VS Voltron, the animation makes those seconds count. The fight is an extremely fast paced, action packed battle that we would expect nothing less from a DBZ episode (with the exception of Hercule VS Dan). The choreography of the fight does showcase 18's superior speed yet doesn't make it so that Carol is completely outclassed (as shown in the section where both fighters are moving faster than the eye can track). The fight only seems to get more awesome as it goes on with Carol blowing up a mountain just to demonstrate her power as Binary.
The animation also gains bonus points for having Amber Lee Connors reprise her role for TFS' Android 18 and Terri Doty does a pretty good job as Captain Mavel. Although Carol does seem to be a bit narmy when she turns into Binary (HAHAHA! HAVE A TASTE OF YOU'RE OWN ENERGY!). Of course the animation does have its genuinely funny moments as well as shown when 18 pulls Carol's hair and Carol aggressively states that 18's playing dirty.
Finally the finisher of the fight is just pure badass. 18 no sells a massive energy blast that leaves a giant crater, breaks both of Carol's arms and hits her with enough force to double the size of the crater before stomping her head into the ground. I'm willing to forgive the part where 18 absorbs energy because frankly that's not Zack's fault. That is the fault of the research. However, at certain points Binary's flame hair looks unfinished and as such Binary's sprite looks like it has a hole in her head during some parts of the fight. On an unrelated note, are just going to ignore the fact that 18 left the dragonball by Binary. The fight is good but I'm still gonna give the animation a 6.5/10 for reasons I will explain soon.
Now the reasoning is actually pretty solid saying that 18 was able to move about 100,000 mph faster than Carol could and they outright say that 18 is a much better fighter than Carol in her base form and this is where I think they should've stopped. I think omitting Binary would've been the best choice here as it is an extremely circumstantial form (needing star level energy to power up in the first place) and as such I don't believe that Carol would be able to utilize it in a one-on-one fight unless said fight took place in space. I do agree with the fact that 18 would stop feeding Captain Marvel energy once she realized what was happening.
Now I'd like to address a couple things before I wrap this up. Firstly I think it was irresponsible to put 18's 'energy absorption' ability into the fight without having actually checked if she has it outside of Xenoverse. This would've negatively impacted my rating but upon closer inspection, they don't even mention it in the conclusion so its a minor offense. The second thing I'd like to address is I'm actually impressed with Ben and SA with dealing with the minor fallout of this episode. They addressed several complaints and upon inspecting the issues himself, Ben actually apologized for the research failure of this episode. It does not impact the result as not much weight was put onto both the speed downplay and the energy absorption but its still nice to see that Ben cares about his fans enough to acknowledge his mistakes even if some people give him flak for it. With that I give this conclusion a 6/10 bringing the grand total to 20/30 or 67%. As for the next matchup: I'll be rooting for Metal Sonic but I'm betting Zero considering he has every category apart from speed.
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